
Call Chase Evans:

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Chase Evans

TJ Bottom

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strength endurance

5th round (can you slide more than a nickel under your feet?
paleo plus cheesecake?

chase: ride 10:00
x10 of each @ 25
push press
kb swing
figure 8
goblet squat

15 burpees
20 calories
1:00 rest
5 rounds

:40, :38, :45, :59, :50
12:29 total

2:00 work/1:00 rest @ 35
clean: 68
jerk: 81
snatch: 54
swing: 54

nick: ride 10:00
10 squat
5 jump squat
3 rounds

3x10 back squat @ 45
9 @ 65
8 @ 75
7 @ 85
6 @ 95
5 @ 105
4 @ 115
3 @ 125
2 @ 135
1 @ 155

then work through the same progression with push press.

pullup/pushup ladder 1-6
2 rounds

steve/john: ride 10:00

3:00 ride
:30 rest
3:00 bear crawls
:30 rest
3:00 ride
3:30 rest
3:00 row
:30 rest
3:00 lunges
:30 rest
3:00 row
5:00 rest

steve: 103/6 laps/86, 826/73 lunges/825
john: 87/6.5 laps/66, 741/65 lunges/779

:30 dead hang
:30 push press @ 15
:30 overhead hold
:30 rest
5 rounds

steve: 28, 24, 23, 22, 23
john: 19, 18, 17, 17, 17

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