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Chase Evans

TJ Bottom

Friday, December 31, 2010

peace the fuck out 2010.

melissa, gary, brad:
warm up 15:00

20:00 as many dead lifts @ 50% of max as possible:
melissa: 247
gary: 222
brad: 180

once this number is set complete...
push press
kb swing
kb snatch
(same number as 20:00 dead lift)

melissa completed 247 push press, 247 kb swing, 247 snatch in 42:30
gary completed 222 push press, 222 kb swing, 222 snatch in 28:25
brad completed 180 push press, 180 kb swing, 180 snatch in 28:38

row 20,100
(next on the list is 42,000 meters in 2:45:00)


Alex, doing his job this winter as mother nature works in his favor. Thanks El NiƱa.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Ryan worked to a new front squat max: 270#

then did some lifting/rowing:
4 rounds:
x4 front squat @ 225#, row 300 meters :57
x4 @ 205#, row 300 m :56
x4 @ 205#, row 300 m :59
x4 @ 205#, row 300m :58
resting 1:00 between efforts

gary, josh, matt, marc, brad:
warm up 10:00 (gary 100 ring dips)
500 meter row:
matt 1:32
brad 1:37
marc 1:47
5o calories
josh 2:25

x10 burpees
x20 ball slams
x30 swings
x40 cleans
x50 burpees
x60 ball slams
x70 swings

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

who needs power?

clean, push press
its hot, but 40 degrees in here.

12:00 of kb movement:
x 6 of...
single hand swing
figure 8 for josh

4:00 work period
2:00 rest
3 rounds
1 dead lift
1 clean
1 front squat
1 push press

500 meter row
steve: 1:27
josh: 1:34
john: 1:36
will: 1:50

Monday, December 27, 2010


push press
front squat

warm up 10:00

x10 squat
x5 goblet squat @ 20#
3 rounds

x6 front squat @ 65#
x10 singles @ 95# (previous max) resting 2:30 between efforts

x6 push press @ 45#
x5 @ 50#
x4 @ 55#
x3 @ 60#
x2 @ 65#
x1 @ 70# (new pb)

ladder of ...
fspp, pullups:

Friday, December 24, 2010

2012 - all tan everything

thoroughly cooked.
a familiar face.
a once thoughtless, and pointless wall now yields but one message.
1006 - i dont know if you heard me counting, but i did over a thousand.

um. 2012 burpees between two people. nuff said. goodbye 2010, hello fried chicken.
2:25:40 allowed for 2012 burpees to be completed.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Strength endurance

good dewd. even better style.

sean, gary, marc, brad:
warm up 10:00

5 rounds of 10 weighted burpees resting :30 between efforts

every :60 complete
1 clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 pushup
5 rounds

every :30 seconds complete
1 clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 pushup
10 rounds

p1: x10 thruster
15 yards weighted bear crawls
3 burpees
15 yards weighted bear crawls
3 burpees
p2: rack hold
3 rounds

:30/:30 weighted burpees
4 rounds

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


not the cleanest of form, but it was muscled.


kb clean work
kb barbell technique

2:00 work periods yielding 5 rounds or more of:
@ 45# barbell complete 1 of each...
hang clean
front squat
push press
rest 1:00
3 rounds

finish with kb snatch practice

pcme, neck:
row 10:00

10:00 work period of...
deck squat
push press

nick then worked to a new pb clean & jerk of 185#
pcme worked to a weak clean of 205#

1 of each @ 75%...
front squat
push press
every :40 for 4:00

cooldown with kb snatches, kte

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


  • Today, I will not impose my values and conclusions on those I wish to know.
  • Today, I will attentively observe and listen to those whom I am in contact with.
  • Today,  I will look for opportunities to know better, those who I already THINK I know.
  • Today, I will remember that my silence only lacks one thing:  the sound of My VOICE.  
As we work within the community of our facility and the external alike, it is important to keep evolving ourselves as coaches, athletes and people. Discover.


ryan @ 385#
josh during intervals.

ryan, derek, dustin, sean, cody:
warm up 10:00

15:00 0f movement:
x 6 of each...
deck squat
single hand swing
push press
push up

2:00 work period
1:00 rest period
ball slams @30#
goblet squats @ 40#
box jumps @ 24"
push press @ 15#

ryan then worked to a heavy dead lift of 385#
dustin then worked to a heavy dead lift of 315#

Sunday, December 19, 2010


ryan, pcme:
warm up jump rope, airdyne

i always enjoy a day working with ryan one on one. typically i train him, and watch his work ethic closely, but today seemed appropriate to join in. considering in a few days we are doing 1,000 burpees in one sitting, we are focused on that task. we want to fatigue specific muscles and make them fire even when drained, so static holds, burnouts, and explosive movement was our focus. the day went faster than expected, most likely due to us wanting to test one another's ability. fun times for the tingle times ahead.

x10 of each...
manmakers @ 20#
kb cleans @ 30#, 35#
ring dips

x7 overhead squat @ 65#, 75#
x10 burpees
1:00 rest between efforts
5 rounds

x5 thrusters @ 75#
15 yards weighted bear crawls @ 20#
x3 burpees
15 yards weighted bear crawls @ 20#
x3 burpees
15# rack hold

x20 bench press @ 75#
x2 burpees
plank hold
3 rounds

x10 front squat @ 75#
15 yards broad jumps
wall sit
3 rounds

Get out and do something.

A few of our boys, "working" this past year. Granted, this edit is a little dated, but a good expression of Alex and Sean. We'll get party jesus to join us soon enough.

Turn the volume up on the player :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

strength, conditioning

brad - instead of a 40 minute airdyne day, lets actually use your legs.
marc - head, shoulder, knees over your toes.
ryan, matt, gary, nic
warm up 10:00

x6 kb clean
x6 snatch
x6 pullup

work to heavy clean:
ryan: 195#
gary: 120#
nic: 2 45# kbs

work to heavy push press:
matt: 125#

1,000 m row:
matt: 3:39

then, for ryan:
25# weighted pullups (5 every :30 until 5 is not maintained/:30)
ryan: 24 rounds (120 weighted pullups)

x6 push press @ 25#
x8 ball slams @ 20#
x10 pushups
ampap 12:00
11 rounds

x7 bench press @ 40# kbs
x10 ring dip
amrap 7:00
6 rounds

sam, kourtney, sean, brad, gary, marc:
warm up 10:00
90 yards lunges

push press
kb swings

gary 33:16
kourtney 33:32
brad 36:10
sam 36:12
sean 36:28
marc 37:23

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1,000 arrows.

dude. bro. man. brutal. bro.

x10 of the following:
dead lift @ 70% of body weight
box jump @ 24"
goblet squat @ 25% of body weight
kb swing @ 25% of body weight
push press @ 30% of body weight
push up
ring dip
ball slam @ 20-25% of body weight
10 rounds

1,000 reps
pcme: 53:53
neck: 1:00:11
total party bro brutal blog post man.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


derek, cody, taylor, dustin, tj, ryan
warm up row, ride, jump rope

15:00 keep the kb moving:
x6 of each...
goblet squat
single hand swing
clean & jerk
deck squat

cody, derek, tay:
12:00 amrap of...
x12 ball slam
x12 burpee

cody: 4
derek: 5
taylor: 6

12:00 amrap of:
x12 dead lift @ body weight
x12 push press @ 40#

ryan: 10 rounds what!

tj, dustin:
12:00 amrap of:
x12 front squat @ 75% of body weight
x12 burpee

tj: 5
dustin: 4

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You know what it is...

daily grind for some...

yeah, this is december.
photo by jake jensen: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROSKI!
ryan on top, pcme on bottom, nick upside down.
ryan praying i remember to save our lives.

brad, tj:
warm up 20:00 somehow..

:20/:10 - (continuous work) 4 rounds of
frog hops

:30 dead hang
:30 bodyweight dead lift for reps
:30 barbell hold @ top of last dead lift
300 meter row
4 rounds

tj: 16/:59, 17/:59, 17/:59, 16/:59
brad: 12/1:03, 11/1:02, 9/1:04, 8/1:02

pullup ladder 1-6-1

jake jensen, ryan scouthern, nick lott:
for some of us adrenaline comes from doing an hour of burpee pullups or intervals on a bike, some experience a rush and get paid. as a saturday fun day i traveled to ogden with nick to meet up with ryan, and jake. we all met at skydive ogden ( with it being december and have not eaten enough food to substantiate standing up i did not really plan to jump out of a plane from 12,000 feet; next thing i know ryan is getting a tandem rig ready with my name on it. i have jumped before, and both times experienced my stomach wanting to jump out of my throat, but its december and who gets to jump out of planes in december (other than all 10 of us in that plane)?

the flight up is calm, and fast; just like the door opening up and people falling to the ground. after reaching our destination ryan skooted me to the doorway and pushed me out. nick and jake were there to fly with us. i have yet to understand how one acquires the amount of control and skill involved during free fall. once settled, and falling roughly 100 mph nick and jake met up to form a little three-way teamster formation - during which, nick flipped to his back and fell looking at me upside down.

a :60 free fall allows for skydivers to fly in plenty of positions, create plenty of formations, and have tons of fun. another way to practice free fall is to fly in a wind tunnel. after we jumped out of a plane, nick and ryan took me to fly in ifly ( watching nick and ryan was encouraging at first; once i began, my body arched, wobbled, spun, and shot me into the glass. after :30 my back was tired, and the discouragement set in. the stability needed to "sit fly," "fly head down," flip, turn, and so on comes with minutes and even hours of practice.

nick has over 1,500 jumps under his belt. he is a professional videographer for skydive ogden. he jumps several times a day during the season, and spends plenty of time in the wind tunnel. ryan is a professional, sponsored skydiver with the title "national champion in advanced vertical formation skydiving." with over 5,000 jumps, he, and four others created a team and spent hours upon hours jumping and tunnel flying together to pretty much destroy their competition this passed competition in Chicago. during competition they "turn points" - create formations - and are allowed only :30 to do as many as possible (each formation giving 1 point).

it was an honor to spend time with these dudes this weekend during their work/fun/hobby, but most importantly their sport. while they cannot measure their power output bro, they, just like many other professional athletes spend years and years, months and months, hours and hours preparing for a less than 1 minute event. shout out to these guys for showing me a good time and allowing my brain to conjure up some activities to help with their flying.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

kb work

single hand swing
goblet squat

melissa, pickup, ellen
warm up 10:00

3 rounds of 10 burpees/manmakers

2:00 work periods
:30 rest

halo - both directions
single hand swings - both hands
cleans - both hands
round the world - both directions

warm up 20:00

x 6 of each:
single hand swings
clean and jerk
round the world
10 rounds

x6 body weight deadlifts
x6 box jumps @ 24"
6 rounds for time: 3:29

x3 get-ups each side
1:00 effort on airdyne
5 rounds

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

strength, conditioning

"i am so mad because i listen to music containing break downs."
*an important part of the clean is considered the "second pull." after beginning the lift from the floor, as you approach the knee, consider yourself a rocket and explode upward. the shrug is just as important as the hips opening up and driving forward, but try to embrace both movements simultaneously.
tj teaching how to dougie.

tj, tony:
warm up: 10:00

2 laps bear crawls

work to heavy power clean:
ryan: 185#
tony: 90#

every :90 for 6:00
complete 3 power cleans
ryan @ 135#
tony @ 45# kbs
(tony added 3 burpees as well)

rest 5:00

p1: 1:00 effort on airdyne
p2: rest
7 rounds

ryan maintained over 30 calories/minute
tony maintained over 23 calories/minute

Thursday, December 2, 2010


darah, pickup, ryan
warm up 10:00

weighted pullup ladders:
@ 25# 1-5
5 rounds
(darah: pushups)

goblet squats
kb swings
ball slams

cooldown: jump rope, airdyne

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

we are back..

well, at least marc is.
even after 4 months off he hammered down 100 burpees like a champ.
marc has been missed. glad he is back.

marc, john, steve, will, billy:
warm up 10:00

race to 10 burpees (steve, and john used 15# dbs)
5 rounds
*marc won the first 4 rounds, steve won the fifth.

5 stations
1: 30 atomic situps
2: bear crawls
3: wall sit
4: push press
5: plank
each round lasts as long as it takes player 1 to do 30 atomic situps

race to 10 burpees (steve and john used 15# dbs)
5 rounds
billy, steve, and marc each took a round or two.

row 10:00
x20 squat
x10 goblet squat @ 25#
x5 goblet squat @ 45#
3 rounds

x10 front squat @ 65#
5x5 box squat @ 65#
3x3 box squat @ 115#
5x1 box squat @ 145#

melissa, kirsty
row 10:00

:20/:40 row machine shooting for 2:06/500 meter
10 rounds

step-up ladder 1-10-1
holding 25# kbs

Monday, November 29, 2010

strength, conditioning

1100 reps
dustin, john, steve, aaron

steve row 2,000 meters: 6:48

aaron, john:
warm up 10:00
x20 goblet squat
x10 goblet squat
x5 goblet squat
increasing weight by 10# each round
3 rounds

interval work:
front squat
6 rounds
push press
6 rounds
front squat push press
4 rounds

ladder 10-1
ball slam
kb swing

x10 squat
x5 goblet squat

x10 dead lift @ 65#
x7 @ 85#
x4 @ 95#
x1 @ 115#
x1 @ 135# new pb.

tj botterms:
warm up jump rope

ladder from 100-10 (decrease in increments of 10)
double unders
mtn. climbers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

just because

yesterday i decided that the workout for the new year needed to be 1,000 burpees. today i discovered what a little over half of that workout would be:
50 burpees for time: 1:56
rest 2:00
25 burpees every 2:00 (25 burpees took roughly 1:00)
8 rounds
rest 4:00
15 burpees every 1:30 (15 burpees took roughly :35)
20 rounds
after 550 burpees came 550 mtn. climbers with my feet in the rings.
mtn. climber ladder:
100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 (each leg)
rest 10:00
3x10 box squat @ 50# kb
5x5 box squat (front squat position) @ 95#
5x5 box squat (front squat position) @ 135#
5x5 box squat (front squat position) @185#

kelly mac:
tons of yoked out leg work.

*be who you are; nothing you are not. love life.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


josh, pcme
row 10:00

x20 goblet squat @ 30#
x10 goblet squat @40#
x5 goblet squat @ 50#
3 rounds

every 3:00 complete:
x5 goblet squat
x10 box jump
200 meter row
4 rounds

p1: 150 jump rope
p2: rack hold
4 rounds

Friday, November 26, 2010


warm up 10:00 row
row 2500 meters
rest 2:00
row 2000 meters
rest 1:00
row 1000 meters
rest 1:00
row 500 meters
rest 2:00
row 1000 at 2500 m pace

BLACK Friday

I have had my eye on Mr. Black since my Volcom days, ever since I hosted a competition at Brighton 3+ years ago (in which he won). Sean had something, a humbleness about him that seemed to suppress his quirky personality, but did not such in displaying his talent on a snowboard.
He is a pleasure to have around the gym. And as he warms up to the crowd, watch out, Sean may jack you for sweatpants money, and take that check to the bone-zone to cash it in.

This is an older vid, but you get the gist, Sean is the goods.

MICA minute #9 from Loren Brinton on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

thanks again

kelly: cardio?
like a g-shock.

thankful for disco balls.

party party party:
gary 2,000 m: 7:26
brad 2,000 m:7:26 (penalty for not hitting his goal: 100 burpees. gary took 50 of them off his hands.)
taylor 2,000 m: 8:59 (penalty for not hitting his goal: 100 burpees)
josh 10:00 row: 2671 m
steve 10:00 airdyne: 293 calories
jake 10:00 airdyne: 222 calories
ryan 10:00 airdyne 211 calories?

as many rounds as possible in 30:00:
40 squats
40 kb swings
40 pushups
20 pullups
40 atomic situps
nick: 4 rounds
tj: 5 rounds
john: 3 rounds
pickup: 4 rounds